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Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr. Landy is a specialist in Gastroenterology and liver disease, providing expertise in bo... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Диарея
- Боли в животе у детей
- Эндоскопическая капсула
- Колоноскопия
- Эндоскопия
- Воспалительное заболевание кишечника (IBD)
- Синдром раздраженного кишечника
- Диарея
- Боли в животе у детей
- Эндоскопическая капсула
- Колоноскопия
- Эндоскопия
- Воспалительное заболевание кишечника (IBD)
- Синдром раздраженного кишечника
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr. Landy is a specialist in Gastroenterology and liver disease, providing expertise in both diagnostic and therapeutic Endoscopy and Colonoscopy. An accredited national bowel cancer screening colono... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 25 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Gastroenterologist in Cleveland Clinic London Hospital (present) подробнее
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Dr Jonathan Landy
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Dr Jonathan Landy
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Dr Jonathan Landy
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr. Landy is a specialist in Gastroenterology and liver disease, providing expertise in both diagnostic and therapeutic Endoscopy and Colonoscopy. An accredited national bowel cancer screening colonoscopist, he has a particular interest in therapeutic colonoscopy, endoscopy training, and the management of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), Clostridium difficile infections, and faecal transplantation. He remains actively involved in clinical research, focusing on endoscopy techniques, colon cancer, and IBD.
After graduating from the University of Birmingham, Dr. Landy completed his specialist training in North West London. In 2015, he earned a PhD from Imperial College London for his research into the relationship between the immune system and gut microbiota in inflammatory bowel diseases, with a specific focus on pouchitis. He led the UK's first pilot study of faecal transplantation for IBD and has authored numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals, presenting his findings at national and international conferences.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6048813
- Английский
Dr Jonathan Landy
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Inderpaul Birdi is an internationally recognised and highly experienced traditional and... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Ремонт митрального клапана (минимально инвазивный)
- Замена аортального клапана (минимально инвазивная)
- Двустворчатый аортальный клапан
- Избиение сердечной коронарной сердечной хирургии (минимально инвазивное)
- Хирургия грудной клетки
- Восстановительная хирургия клапанов
- Ремонт митрального клапана (минимально инвазивный)
- Замена аортального клапана (минимально инвазивная)
- Двустворчатый аортальный клапан
- Избиение сердечной коронарной сердечной хирургии (минимально инвазивное)
- Хирургия грудной клетки
- Восстановительная хирургия клапанов
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Inderpaul Birdi is an internationally recognised and highly experienced traditional and keyhole (minimally invasive) heart surgeon with one of the largest and comprehensive set of clinical skills in cardiac surgery... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 35 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Heart Surgeon, The Keyhole Heart Clinic (2008-present)Consultant Heart Surgeon, The N... подробнее
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Seguros médicos aceptados
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Mr Inderpaul Birdi
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Mr Inderpaul Birdi
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Mr Inderpaul Birdi
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Inderpaul Birdi is an internationally recognised and highly experienced traditional and keyhole (minimally invasive) heart surgeon with one of the largest and comprehensive set of clinical skills in cardiac surgery.
He works privately at The Keyhole Heart Clinic where he carries out keyhole mitral, aortic and tricuspid valve surgery, minimally invasive single and multi-vessel coronary bypass surgery, TAVI, atrial fibrillation ablation and general cardiac surgery.
He is also one of only a handful of surgeons in the world who can perform keyhole coronary bypass surgery, and keyhole aortic valve repair. In 2022, Mr Birdi successfully performed the first quadruple heart bypass through keyhole surgery in the UK on a 65-year-old patient, significantly reducing the recovery time, risk of infection, and scarring.
He founded The Keyhole Heart Clinic to provide patients with information and clinical access to specialised minimally invasive cardiac therapies within the most prestigious hospitals in the UK.
Mr Birdi trained in medicine in the UK and trained in cardiothoracic surgery at the world acclaimed Royal Papworth Hospital and The Royal Brompton Hospital. He undertook research at The Bristol Heart Institute and contributed numerous publications to leading international journals.
Mr Birdi works at The Cromwell Hospital, London, providing all of his services through The Keyhole Heart Clinic.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 3407978
- Английский
Mr Inderpaul Birdi
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Benjamin Hope is a consultant paediatric gastroenterologist with over... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Целиакия
- Боли в животе у детей
- Рвота
- Запор
- Пищевая аллергия
- Целиакия
- Боли в животе у детей
- Рвота
- Запор
- Пищевая аллергия
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Benjamin Hope is a consultant paediatric gastroenterologist with over 20 years of experience, based in London. He offers an array of tests and treatment for conditions including coel... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 25 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Kings College Hospital - Guthrie Clinic (present)... подробнее
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Seguros médicos aceptados
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Dr Benjamin Hope
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Dr Benjamin Hope
Guthrie Wing, Denmark Hill,
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Dr Benjamin Hope
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Benjamin Hope is a consultant paediatric gastroenterologist with over 20 years of experience, based in London. He offers an array of tests and treatment for conditions including coeliac disease, stomach ache, vomiting, constipation, and food allergies and also offers ADHD assessment.
Dr Hope earned his medical degree from University College London Medical School in 2001, followed by extensive training in Scotland, New Zealand, and Ireland at national referral centres. He became a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Paediatrics before returning to the UK. In 2012, he was registered as a specialist in paediatrics with the General Medical Council (GMC), and in 2014, he was further registered as a specialist in paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology, and nutrition. He joined King's College Hospital as a GI Consultant in 2012.
An accredited trainer in diagnostic and therapeutic gastrointestinal endoscopy (gastroscopy and colonoscopy), Dr Hope also performs additional investigations such as capsule endoscopy and impedance tests when necessary.
In 2023, Dr Hope expanded his practice by joining the Lewisham CAMHS neuro disability team, where he cares for children with autism, ADHD, and learning difficulties. He also began working at Harley Row Clinic, focusing on children with suspected ADHD.
Dr Hope's goal is to promptly identify his patients' problems, ensure that patients and their families understand the issues, and arrange the most appropriate interventions.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6029955
- Английский
Dr Benjamin Hope
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Rahul Mogal is a consultant in respiratory and general medicine with a specialised... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- боль в груди
- Рак легких
- Астма
- Cаркоидоз
- легочной конкреций
- Обструктивное апноэ во сне
- болезни легких
- бронхоэктазия
- боль в груди
- Рак легких
- Астма
- Cаркоидоз
- легочной конкреций
- Обструктивное апноэ во сне
- болезни легких
- бронхоэктазия
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Rahul Mogal is a consultant in respiratory and general medicine with a specialised interest in interventional pulmonology. He received his respiratory training in London, gaining experie... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 20 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Respiratory Physician in Cleveland Clinic London Hospital (present) подробнее
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Dr Rahul Mogal
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Dr Rahul Mogal
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Dr Rahul Mogal
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Rahul Mogal is a consultant in respiratory and general medicine with a specialised interest in interventional pulmonology. He received his respiratory training in London, gaining experience at the Royal London and London Chest Hospitals. Dr Mogal furthered his expertise by completing a Clinical Fellowship in Interventional Bronchoscopy at Thoraxklinik in Heidelberg, Germany. He is skilled in advanced procedures such as Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS), endobronchial stenting, and the use of valves and coils. His other specialist areas include pleural disease, thoracic ultrasound, medical thoracoscopy, and the management of indwelling pleural catheters.
Dr Mogal manages a wide range of respiratory conditions, including asthma, bronchiectasis, COPD, lung cancer, and sleep apnea, among others. Dr Mogal practices at Watford General Hospital, where he handles in-patient and out-patient care and performs a wide range of interventional procedures. He also serves as Honorary Consultant at University College London Hospital (UCLH) and is the Clinical Lead for Respiratory Medicine at West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust. He holds leadership roles in lung cancer and COPD care, including as Trust Lead for Lung Cancer and Chair of the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Lung Network Cancer Group.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6083387
- Английский
Dr Rahul Mogal
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Sherif Awad is a highly skilled consultant laparoscopic (keyhole), upper gastrointestin... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Бариатрическая хирургия
- Гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь
- Хирургическое лечение диафрагмальной грыжи
- Хирургия желчного пузыря
- Операция с минимальным доступом (операция с замочной скважиной)
- Эндоскопия
- Бариатрическая хирургия
- Гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь
- Хирургическое лечение диафрагмальной грыжи
- Хирургия желчного пузыря
- Операция с минимальным доступом (операция с замочной скважиной)
- Эндоскопия
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Sherif Awad is a highly skilled consultant laparoscopic (keyhole), upper gastrointestinal and bariatric (weight loss) surgeon based in Derby. He is a trustee of the British Obesit... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 25 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Upper Gastrointestinal and Bariatric Surgeon, Derby Private Health, Derby (present)Co... подробнее
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Seguros médicos aceptados
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Mr Sherif Awad
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Mr Sherif Awad
Tollerton Lane, Tollerton
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Top Doctors
Mr Sherif Awad
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Sherif Awad is a highly skilled consultant laparoscopic (keyhole), upper gastrointestinal and bariatric (weight loss) surgeon based in Derby. He is a trustee of the British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society (BOMSS).
With over 23 years experience, Mr Awad has undertaken 6,000+ operations and performed 2,500+ weight loss surgery procedures. He performs hundreds of keyhole procedures every year for weight loss, acid reflux, hiatus hernia repairs, gallstones, stomach and oesophageal cancer. As a bariatric surgeon, he offers sleeve gastrectomy, Roux en-Y gastric bypass, one-anastomosis (mini-) gastric bypass, band removals and revisional bariatric surgery.
He performs his own endoscopies. Mr Awad works at East Midlands Bariatric and Metabolic Institute (EMBMI), a regional centre that provides bariatric services to patients from the East-Midlands and runs an in-house training fellowship for other surgeons. Furthermore, he is an experienced surgical trainer and directs the Royal College of Surgeons of England Senior Fellowship in Bariatric Surgery at EMBMI.
He has authored more than 50 publications, including international guidelines on enhanced recovery after bariatric surgery. His research has been awarded numerous national and international prizes, including the prestigious 2010 Moynihan Medal of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland. He is regularly invited as an international expert speaker to deliver talks on improving the safety and efficiency of bariatric surgery pathways. What's more, in 2019 Mr Awad featured on Channel 4's "Shut-ins: Britain's Fattest People" as a medical expert and surgeon.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 6026860
- Арабский
- Английский
Mr Sherif Awad
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Adriano Sabia is an accomplished orthodontist and dental surgeon practising at the Wimp... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Взрослая ортодонтия
- Invisalign®
- Эстетическая ортодонтия
- Лингвальные брекеты
- Cкобки
- Лицевые боли
- Взрослая ортодонтия
- Invisalign®
- Эстетическая ортодонтия
- Лингвальные брекеты
- Cкобки
- Лицевые боли
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Adriano Sabia is an accomplished orthodontist and dental surgeon practising at the Wimpole Street Dental Clinic подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 10 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Orthodontist, Wimpole Street Dental ClincOrthodontist, Aligndent LTD (May 2022 – Pres... подробнее
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Dr Adriano Sabia
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Dr Adriano Sabia
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Top Doctors
Dr Adriano Sabia
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Adriano Sabia is an accomplished orthodontist and dental surgeon practising at the Wimpole Street Dental Clinic in London. He specialises in all aspects of orthodontics, especially Invisalign, mini-screws, orthognathic surgery, and corticotomies.
Dr Sabia began his dental career in 2014 upon graduating with a degree in dental surgery from the University Alfonso X El Sabio in Madrid, Spain. He completed his specialisation studies in 2021 with a Master’s degree in orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics at one of Europe’s leading dental institutions, the International University of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain. For his excellence and achievements in his studies, he was awarded a fellowship by the esteemed dentistry company Denstply to further his research in, and to provide treatment for, intricate cases that necessitate collaboration and multidisciplinary aptitude.
Dr Sabia is a certified orthodontist in the UK, Spain, and Italy, demonstrating the high calibre of his skills and the rich breadth of his experience. Since 2016, he has been practising all over the UK as an associate dentist for the NHS and a private orthodontist with accredited organisations such as mydentist, Aligndent, Moonz, Oxford Orthodontics, and The Swindon Orthodontic Centre. Concurrently with his work, Dr Sabia has continued to develop his orthodontic capabilities, attending several courses hosted by prestigious hospitals and universities.
He has won awards from both the European Orthodontic Society and the Spanish Society of Orthodontics. Dr Sabia is passionate about the early prevention of malocclusion and advocates for children to receive their first orthodontic examination at the age of 6 to reduce the risk of future extractions and potential surgeries.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 256440
- Испанский
- Английский
- Валенсийский
Dr Adriano Sabia
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Michael Wanis is an experienced Consultant Urological Surgeon and Andrologist base... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Камни в почках
- Эректильная дисфункция
- Проблемы крайней плоти
- Гематурия
- UroLift®
- Аквабляция
- Камни в почках
- Эректильная дисфункция
- Проблемы крайней плоти
- Гематурия
- UroLift®
- Аквабляция
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Michael Wanis is an experienced Consultant Urological Surgeon and Andrologist based in Ashtead and Horley who specialises in Aquablation, подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 15 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Urological Surgeon, Ashtead Hospital Consultant Urological Surgeon, Spire ... подробнее
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Seguros médicos aceptados
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Mr Michael Wanis
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Mr Michael Wanis
801 London Rd, Cheam, Worcester Park, Sutton
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Top Doctors
Mr Michael Wanis
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Mr Michael Wanis is an experienced Consultant Urological Surgeon and Andrologist based in Ashtead and Horley who specialises in Aquablation, kidney stones, erectile dysfunction and foreskin problems, haematuria (blood in urine), and Urolift®. He practices privately at Ashtead Hospital, Spire Gatwick Park Hospital with his NHS base in Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust.
After qualifying from the University of Manchester in 2011, Mr Wanis completed his urology specialist training in the Surrey and Sussex region. He went on to complete the necessary examinations to become a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 2020 and was subsequently appointed as a consultant at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust. Mr Wanis is currently the Urological Cancer Lead at the Trust as well as delivering the andrology service.
Mr Wanis has a specialist interest in minimally-invasive surgery for benign prostate enlargement, kidney stones, male sexual health and urological cancer. He prides himself on his friendly, patient-centred approach and clear communication, ensuring that patients receive treatment that is tailored to their individual needs and priorities.
Alongside his work in the UK, Mr Wanis has a passion for global healthcare. Since 2018 he has been the urology lead for the Canadian Coptic Medical Association, a charity organisation which deploys clinicians to Egypt and other African nations, providing education to local doctors and nurses and free treatment to patients living on the poverty line. After receiving the BAUS Urolink Travel award in 2019, he travelled to Tanzania to provide education and training to local urologists.
His research has been published in various peer-reviewed journals and he is also a peer reviewer for the JCU and JELEU journals. He has also presented his research at several prestigious international conferences including the EAU, BAUS and AUA. Mr Wanis is also a member of the British Association of Urological Surgeons, the European Association of Urology and the American Urological Association.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 7135127
- Арабский
- Английский
Mr Michael Wanis
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Jonathan Hoare is a renowned consultant gastroenterologist based in London. He has over... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь
- Затрудненное глотание (дисфагия)
- Пищевод Барретта
- Колоноскопия
- желудочно-кишечное кровотечение
- Боли в животе у детей
- Гастроэзофагеальная рефлюксная болезнь
- Затрудненное глотание (дисфагия)
- Пищевод Барретта
- Колоноскопия
- желудочно-кишечное кровотечение
- Боли в животе у детей
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Jonathan Hoare is a renowned consultant gastroenterologist based in London. He has over 30 years of experience, including 15 years as a consultant. His clinical expertise covers a wide range of ga... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 30 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant Gastroenterologist, London Digestive Health, part of London Digestive Centre (present)&nb... подробнее
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Dr Jonathan Hoare
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Dr Jonathan Hoare
The Princess Grace Hospital, 42-52 Nottingham Pl
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Dr Jonathan Hoare
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Jonathan Hoare is a renowned consultant gastroenterologist based in London. He has over 30 years of experience, including 15 years as a consultant. His clinical expertise covers a wide range of gastroenterological conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, dysphagia (difficult swallowing), Barrett's oesophagus, gastrointestinal bleeding, and abdominal pain.
Dr Hoare obtained his primary medical degree from the prestigious Cambridge University, as well as PhD from the aforementioned university. He is also a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP).
In addition to his areas of expertise, Dr Hoare possesses strong skills and knowledge in areas including capsule endoscopy, gastrointestinal bleeding and abdominal pain, as well as gastroscopy and sigmoidoscopy.
Throughout his career, Dr Hoare has been actively involved in research. His primary research interests include colonoscopy insertion techniques, early cancer detection and treatment in the gastrointestinal tract, and various aspects of luminal gastroenterology.
Dr Hoare is committed to educating future medical students, having undertaken the role of honorary senior lecturer iin the academic department of surgery and cancer at Imperial College London. He has also received recognition for his contributions to the field of gastroenterology. In 2016, he was awarded the Marsha Dreyer Prize by the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and in 2010 he received the British Society of Gastroenterology Travelling Fellowship.
Beyond his clinical and research roles, Dr Hoare serves as a medical adviser for Barrett's Oesophagus Campaign, a public organisation focused on raising awareness and supporting patients with this condition. His commitment to public engagement and patient care further demonstrates his dedication to the field of gastroenterology.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4047504
- Английский
Dr Jonathan Hoare
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Edson Nogueira is an esteemed consultant in endocrinology, diabetes, and general medici... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Артериальная гипертензия
- Диабет
- Ожирение
- Патологии надпочечников
- Нарушения функций щитовидной железы
- Транссексуальность
- Артериальная гипертензия
- Диабет
- Ожирение
- Патологии надпочечников
- Нарушения функций щитовидной железы
- Транссексуальность
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Edson Nogueira is an esteemed consultant in endocrinology, diabetes, and general medicine, at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. He specialises in hypertension... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 15 лет
Профессиональный опыт
Consultant in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and General Medicine, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital Privat... подробнее
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Seguros médicos aceptados
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Dr Edson Nogueira
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Dr Edson Nogueira
369 Fulham Road London
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Top Doctors
Dr Edson Nogueira
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Edson Nogueira is an esteemed consultant in endocrinology, diabetes, and general medicine, at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. He specialises in hypertension, diabetes, obesity, hormone replacement therapy (transgender), adrenal gland disorders and thyroid disorders.
Dr Nogueira earned his PhD in endocrinology from the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University, graduating with distinction. He holds a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. In recognition of his contributions to the medical field, Dr Nogueira has received a fellowship to the Royal College of Physicians.
His commitment to professional development and patient-centered care ensures that individuals under his care receive high-quality medical attention. Dr Edson Nogueira is a valuable member of the healthcare community, known for his dedication and compassionate approach to medical practice.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 7033422
- Испанский
- Португальский
Dr Edson Nogueira
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Nadia Yousri is a highly experienced OB-GYN surgeon, aesthetic gynaecology and sex... подробнее
Эксперт в области :
- Эстетическая гинекология
- сухость влагалища
- Вагинальные омоложения процедура, которая исправляет недержание мочи и другие эстетические улучшения в женских половых органов.
- Сексуальные дисфункции у женщин
- Эректильная дисфункция
- Лечение эректильной дисфунции при помощи ударных волн
- Эстетическая гинекология
- сухость влагалища
- Вагинальные омоложения процедура, которая исправляет недержание мочи и другие эстетические улучшения в женских половых органов.
- Сексуальные дисфункции у женщин
- Эректильная дисфункция
- Лечение эректильной дисфунции при помощи ударных волн
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Nadia Yousri is a highly experienced OB-GYN surgeon, aesthetic gynaecology and sexual medicine specialist consultant and regenerative cosmetic specialist based... подробнее
Результаты процесса отбора
Стаж работы
Более 25 лет
Профессиональный опыт
OB-GYN Surgeon and Aesthetic Gynaecology and Sexual Medicine Consultant, Harley Street, London (pres... подробнее
Оценки пациентов
Seguros médicos aceptados
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Dr Nadia Yousri
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Dr Nadia Yousri
Si haces uso de este teléfono facilitado por TOP DOCTORS nos autorizas al tratamiento de tu teléfono para fines estadísticos y comerciales. Para más información, lee nuestra Политика конфиденциальности
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Top Doctors
Dr Nadia Yousri
Почему это врач высшего уровня?
Dr Nadia Yousri is a highly experienced OB-GYN surgeon, aesthetic gynaecology and sexual medicine specialist consultant and regenerative cosmetic specialist based on London's Harley Street. She offers a full range of aesthetic gynaecological treatments, including vaginal rejuvenation such as O-Shot, Ultra Femme, ThermiVa and VotiVa to treat stress incontinence, reduced sexual desire and vaginal dryness, as well as treatments for erectile dysfunction such as P-shot and shockwave therapy.
Dr Nadia has been a fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists since 2009. She later achieved a PhD in obstetrics and gynaecology, a master's degree, and a university lecturer degree, which she has held since 2002.
Dr Yousri has had a strong professional career, working in a number of the UK's top NHS hospitals. She now works in a world renowned private clinic on Harley Street, offering a wide range of non-invasive aesthetic gynaecological treatments and treatment for male erectile dysfunction.
Dr Yousri is highly experienced in obstetrics and gynaecology, aesthetic gynaecology, and sexual health, with holistic expertise in all non-surgical aesthetic gynaecology, sexual wellness, and regenerative medicine cosmetic procedures, as well as treating sexual dysfunctions in both genders.
Dr Yousri is well known for her ethics and proficiency, and prides herself on achieving excellent outcomes. She has been involved in a number of television appearances, and her research has been widely published in peer-reviewed medical journals.
Dr Yousri is an honorary lecturer at Cairo’s Ain Shams University Hospital in obstetrics and gynaecology for sixteen years. Her passion for excellent outcomes and her professionalism have gained her wide esteem from both colleagues and patients.
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Currículum y resultado del proceso de selección
Номер члена коллегии врачей: 4483500
- Арабский
- Французский
- Английский